Turkish American Gezi Platform 2013 yılından beri aktif, Kaliforniya bazlı %100 gönüllüler ile yürütülen bir kuruluştur. Bizi sosyal medyada takip edip, kampanyalarımızı arkadaşlarınızla paylaşarak destek olabilirsiniz
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About TAGP
Turkish American Gezi Platform is a community-based, volunteer-run, non-profit organization (501-c). It was established by an independent group of individuals with heritage in Turkey who were inspired by the democratic values and multi-vocal participation embedded in the Gezi movement that took place in Istanbul, Turkey in the summer of 2013.
The aim of TAGP is to unite and organize the Turkish American community around a set of core values, and promote these values through public events, such as seminars, lectures, art exhibits, forums.
TAGP rejects dogma, authoritarianism, and all acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs.
Turkish American Gezi Platform is a community-based, volunteer-run, non-profit organization (501-c). It was established by an independent group of individuals with heritage in Turkey who were inspired by the democratic values and multi-vocal participation embedded in the Gezi movement that took place in Istanbul, Turkey in the summer of 2013.
The aim of TAGP is to unite and organize the Turkish American community around a set of core values, and promote these values through public events, such as seminars, lectures, art exhibits, forums.
TAGP rejects dogma, authoritarianism, and all acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs.